Note from Minister Deon D. Leftenant ~President of Deshalamar Community Development Corp 501 c 3 of New York
As President of Deshalamar Community Development Corp. , I myself
am a Honorably discharged Veteran. Having personal experience,
working one on one with displaced Veterans, at a local Veterans
Residence Shelter on Long Island New York. I see the needs of my fellow
Vets, and I see the urgency to meet those needs. Many of the men and
women who have served our country return home to find that they do
not have the same stability they once had before deployment. It’s a fact
that post traumatic stress disorder when left untreated causes many of
our Vets to be homeless, while many turn to substance abuse. 1 in 4 of
the homeless population is an American Veteran. After taking office,
President Obama affirmed his commitment to ending homelessness
among veterans, saying at an appearance at the VA Central Office, “And
we provide new help for homeless veterans, because those heroes have
a home – it’s the country they served, the United States of America. And
until we reach a day when not a single veteran sleeps on our nation’s
streets, our work remains unfinished.
Deshalamar Community Development Corp. is dedicated to doing our
part to reach that day.
Deshalamar Community Development Corporation, is a
program/ service providing nonprofit corporation with advocacy
and commercial components, funded by Fund-raising and Charitable contributions.
Said corporation is organized exclusively for charitable
purposes, as an exempt organization under section 501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Corporation's main focus will be on providing program /
services and advocacy to American Veterans.
The public objective of the corporation is to relieve the poor,
distressed and underprivileged, and to reduce the burdens of
government, by implementing these programs.
Please visit us online We Help Vets .org and see how you can help a Vet in need today,
we owe them more than we will ever be able to repay.
Be blessed!
Reverend Deon D. Leftenant
President/Chief Creative Officer/Co-Founder
Deshalamar Community Development Corp

Minister Deon D. Leftenant
Veteran 82nd Airborne
Designer of the Locks Down
President / Co-Founder
Deshalamar Enterprises Inc.
Deshalamar CDC 501 c 3
Certified CBRRP House Manger
with the Department of Veterans Affairs.