At a young age Deon felt a calling from God, and has always felt most at home in the House of the Lord. He Performed in many Christian Plays, Served as security for Pastor Creflo Dollar, Traveled with his local Pastor to Guadalupe to speak the Word, He was a Christian Rapper before Christian Rap was accepted. Our Online Ministry has been growing strong for over ten years! It is our hope to expand our Ministry to include inmate reform program, where we will be reaching out to those who are incarcerated , with the Word, Prayer and Family services for after release.

Minister Deon D. Leftenant
Prayer Requests

When we stand together on the Word of God we can not fail, this page was created to send encouragement rooted in the Word of God all around Face book!
God bless you and God bless your faith!

Launch Date July 7, 2020
Online Fundraiser to benefit the community.
Goal : Raise 250,000
Provide assistance to the community in forms of direct bill payment (utility) , Gift card to local food store , Gift card to local clothing store.
Deshalamar CDC 501 c 3 to host its 1st Annual My Brother’s Keeper Online Fundraiser.
As Christians we are to feed the poor and help people who are in need. Feeding the needy is part of serving one another and as we serve others we are serving Christ. ... Isaiah 58:7 Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless.
“My Brother’s Keeper addresses the problem of hunger and need in our community during the daily, week to week struggle so many Americans face in today's economy,” said Deon D Leftenant, chairman and co-founder of the event.
The first annual My Brother’s Keeper Online Fundraiser, sponsored by: Locks Down by Deshalamar, will be launched on July 7, 2019.
The focus of this program is to to provide a little extra help to family's in our community. There was a time when our community was limited to our neighborhood, our schools, our Churches. Family. Friends. Today's technology has made it possible to expand our community to endless possibility's. Over the last ten years since the founding of Stand on the Rock, we are blessed to say our Online community has grown to over 400,000 members. We see the need inside our community and it is time to join together as one to help as many as we can. Our long term goal is to raise 250,000.00 over the next year. *Assistance will be granted (when available) by Referral from participating non-profit organizations. If you are a nonprofit 501 c 3 and wish to provide referrals for your clients please contact us today.
Donate what you can today! If not you who? If not now when?